Products & Services

Panasonic PM2.5 Sensor


Customer value

Make visualization of fine particle mass density (μg/m3) in the atmosphere and available to control machine by it

Panasonic only technology

1. Optimized algorithm for realizing high-accurate conversion to mass-density

High precision optical sensor with advanced algorithm

2. High S/N optical design

Make high S/N ratio by original optical design

fine particle detection

S/N: Signal / Noise


Target application

PM2.5 sensor line-up




LED type

ProsLow cost & long life cycle

ConsModerate accuracy,

Slow stable-time and response

Easy to affect by ambient condition (temp etc.

Only PM2.5 detectable

Pana : Improved maintenance, accuracy and response!


ProsSmall size, good accuracy, speedy response

Detect PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10

Layout free by embedded fan

ConsExpensive and short life cycle